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Mainzer Minipressen-Messe
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  1. V.O. Stomps Prize
  2. Guidelines


Guidelines for the award of the promotion prize of the City of Mainz for an achievement by a small publisher – publishing, graphic arts and literature (V.O. Stomps Prize)


"Victor Otto Stomps (1897-1970), writer and editor. In his publishing firms called Rabenpresse, Eremitenpresse and Neue Rabenpresse, books, magazines and private printings in limited editions were set by hand, printed and bound, on paper having varying formats. He used a variety of technologies, including some new ones, for the texts and the illustrations and demonstrated his creativity by constantly changing the typefaces. He encouraged up-and-coming young authors without permanently binding them to him, and "dug up" forgotten authors."
At great personal sacrifice, he revived the literary scene with courage and a feeling for developing forces.

The City of Mainz awards a prize every two years to one or more persons for extraordinary achievements by a small publisher or for special book graphic arts or literary achievements, which have been published by a small publishing house. The prize comprises a Grand Prize (3,500 Euros) and an Award (1,500 Euros).
These achievements are intended to be committed to the content, intention and personal commitment of the works of V.O. Stomps, as set forth in the Preamble.
The prize, which can be awarded for significant single editions or for the total output of a publisher, graphics artist or writer, is intended to encourage and support promising approaches and developments in the area of activities by small publishers.
No multiple awards to the same person or to the same group of people are permitted.
As a rule, the prize will be awarded in connection with the Mainzer Minipressen-Messe. The works of the prize winner will be presented in a small exhibition at that time.
The head of the culture department will ask expert personalities for suitable suggestions in order to ascertain the winners; self-applications are possible. The members of the jury are entitled to make suggestions.
On the basis of the proposals received, a jury will decide who will receive the prize without recourse to the courts.
The jury comprises one delegate each from the parties represented in the City Council, who are represented in the council committees, a small publisher, a specialized journalist or a writer, a graphics artist, the head of the culture department and Mr. Hans Goswin Stomps, who will act as an advisor. The delegates of the parties represented in the City Council will be designated by the said parties at the beginning of the legislative period. All jurors will be appointed by the Lord Mayor at the suggestion of the City Council for the corresponding period of time.
If in the view of the jury no qualified prizewinner can be identified at the time of the award, the sum of money available for the prize will be used to purchase bibliophilic printed works for the Gutenberg Museum. In this case, any other appropriation of the funds within the meaning of the goals of the prize may be undertaken with a unanimous decision.

Mainz, den 29. November 2012

Michael Ebling